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Michelle (Me) 

I'm a married mother of 3.  I'm also a student in the midst of a midlife career change, going from the Business world to Nursing.  I figure I've been cleaning up puke and poop for 9 years now, it's time someone pays me for it.  


My saint of a husband.  He cooks, cleans, and helps with the kids.  He's also condescending, rude, stubborn, and sarcastic.  What can I say?  We were made for each other.  No one else would have us.

Trevor- Age 9

My Soulmate.  He is the sweetest most thoughtful child you'd ever meet.  He writes love notes, shares his candy, and gives away toys to his friends.  I adore him and am relieved to know that at least one of my children will care for me in my old age. 

Victoria- Age 5

She's capable of being anything she wants.  She's determined, brilliant, beautiful, and hilarious.  She's also tenacious, sneaky, and defiant.  She's the child that was wished on me when I was a kid.  Well played everyone.

Sophie- Age 2

The Evil Genius.  It's always the quiet ones.  She had me fooled for 9 solid months.  The older she gets, the more like Victoria she becomes.  Except, she's 10 times scarier because I never saw it coming, and I still can't get a read on her.